Stress Test & Vulnerability Assessment

Recommendations and Experience of the Joint Project Group

This brochure describes:

A) Vulnerability Assessment
A critical review of the EU Nuclear Stress Tests in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine is presented in chapter 1.  

  • The review details the main weaknesses identified within the stress tests.  
  • Important shortcomings not mentioned in the stress tests reports are also discussed.

These evaluations do not claim to be exhaustive, but the findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of safety and risk of nuclear power plants in Europe.  

B) Transparency of the stress tests In chapter 2 the experience of the Joint Project NGOs concerning transparency of the stress tests is presented. The information is not meant to be an evaluation of the transparency of the stress tests in general – such an evaluation is not possible within the scope of this brochure. The evaluation aims to show activities concerning stress tests and how they were conceived by the JP NGOs. Some recommendations for improvement are given.

C) Safety focus
Within the main topic “nuclear safety” of the Joint Project 2011/2012 the NGOs of each JP country selected a special safety relevant topic, which is/was of particular interest in their country:

  • Bulgaria: The short story of Belene NPP – The victory – Key points of the campaign against the nuclear power plant
  • Romania: Risks of the CANDU reactor design  
  • Czech Republic: Results of the conference “Power Plant Load Testing: Safety Inspection or Propaganda?“
  • Slovakia: Safety deficits of the NPP Mochovce


These safety relevant issues are discussed in separate sections within the brochure at hand.

The Joint Project is an ongoing co-operation of NGOs and research institutions on safe and sustainable energy issues with a focus on nuclear issues in Central and Eastern Europe.

The joint working group consists of members from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. Current members of the working group are:

  • Calla (CZ)
  • South Bohemian Mothers (CZ)
  • Energiaklub (HU)
  • Za Zemiata (BG)
  • Foundation for Environment and Agriculture – agroecofund (BG)
  • Terra Mileniul III (RO)
  • HEPF
  • Austrian Institute of Ecology (AT)