Alternative and Sustainable Energy Scenarios for Hungary
We do not need nuclear power to secure Hungary's future energy needs. 50% of the total primary energy use, and more than 80% of the produced electricity could be provided by renewable sources, while keeping safety of energy supply. That was the result of the recently published energy modelling research of the German Wuppertal Institut and Energiaklub. Following the GREEN scenario would be not only beneficiary from climate and energy security aspects, but also from economical aspects since it would be cheaper than the recommended scenario of the official energy strategy of Hungary.
The aim of this research, ordered by the Green party from the European Parliament, was to explore the alternatives of the planned new Hungarian nuclear power plant Paks II, to discover the different possible energy opportunities of Hungary, and to see if Paks II would be the best solution.
Through detailed, full analysis of all sectors of the Hungarian energy system, we detected significant energy saving and renewable energy potentials. We outlined, modelled and analysed four different energy scenarios in details.
You can read more about the research and the result in the Report (also in Downloads on this page) and also on the website of the project.