Energiaklub produces SEAP for the city of Szarvas, Hungary - Co2 emissions can be reduced by 40% until 2020
Its natural characteristics, the steps already taken and the commitment from the leaders of the city enabled Szarvas to take on a 40%-emission-reduction by 2020, which is a significant goal compared to the European trends. This means that Szarvas is now officially one of the European front-line fighters for the prevention of climate change.
The body of representatives decided in Szarvas – the city that won the Solar Corona Championship in 2012 (RES Champions League) – that the city joins the European Covenant of Mayors this year. This mainstream movement involves local authorities engaged in climate protection. The aim of the initiative is to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources in order to reduce carbon dioxide emission by at least 20% until 2020. If a city joins the initiative, it contracts to outline a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) which introduces the necessary steps towards the goal. The Action Plan and the calculations for Szarvas were drawn up by Energiaklub. The situation analysis in the documentation shows that natural gas is the most commonly used energy resource in Szarvas, and the annual energy consumption of the population is higher than the consumption of all the companies and institutions in Szarvas altogether. The household consumption is mainly connected to heating so the thermal insulation of the buildings and the change of doors and windows must be among the first steps to be taken. More than three-quarters of the carbon dioxide emission comes from the natural gas and current consumption. Although the biggest proportion of the consumption is related to the households, the role of companies and public institutions is also taking a more important part here. The impact of the traffic on the environment is very significant in Szarvas, especially due to the main road Nr. 44, where the truck traffic is very heavy. Szarvas is a very lucky city because its natural characteristics enable the use of several renewable energy sources. Biomass is provided by its good fields, solar energy by the suitable location and geothermal energy by the geology; and the use of these sources has already been started. A number of measures have already been adopted by the city to contribute to the goals of the Action Plan. Szarvas may be deservedly proud of the implemented building modernizations and solar panel investments, of the new, modern LED street lights, of the well-built cycle path routes, of the two, household and industrial geothermal district heating systems and of the biogas plant, which is one of the biggest ones in Europe. These investments have already played an important role in the reduction of harmful emissions. Besides, numerous proposed measures are listed by the Action Plan. Some of them carry on processes and plans which had already been started to a certain extent - for example the modernization of the public street lighting system, the modernization of buildings and the extension of geothermal heat services. Others involve new sectors (household and service sectors) to aim at investments in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Moreover, he bypass road of Szarvas which is expected to be built by 2018 or 2020 as well as the more efficient vehicle fleet will also significantly reduce the emission.Based on the above mentioned facts, the calculation shows that the city may double the reduction goal of 20% passed by the body of representatives in June 2015, and reduce its carbon dioxide emission by 40%.