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Energiaklub produces SEAP for the city of Szarvas, Hungary - Co2 emissions can be reduced by 40% until 2020
Its natural characteristics, the steps already taken and the commitment from the leaders of the city enabled Szarvas to take on a 40%-emission-reduction by 2020, which is a significant goal compared...

We prepare comprehensive analyses of draft polices, specific areas of the energy sector and areas of special relevance. Besides our expert consultancy, data-collection, and international contacts, our...

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Capacity building in Rácalmás – Sustainable local energy management
The overall objectives of the project are the development of sustainable model cooperation for a conscious energy management and for the spread of the use of renewable energy sources, energy...

Resource. Rethink. Replan. - It's time for cities to act.
More than 50% of the world's population lives in cities. By 2050, this will increase to 75%. Cities globally are responsible for 50% of total waste, 75% of energy use and 80% of all CO 2 emissions. It...

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Sustainable energy & Covenant of Mayors in our cities. Capacity Building Workshop in Budapest
ENERGIAKLUB and Energy Cities organises a full day workshop for municipalities on the Covenant of Mayors ( initiative. The goal of the workshop is to promote the initiative and assist...

Energiaklub is ready to be your partner at Interreg IVC
Open to all regional and local authorities and public bodies involved in policy making and implementing. Energiaklub is ready to cooperate with national and international partners in projects with...

CLIM-CAP: Competences for sustainable city development - Qualification for Climate adaptation in Construction, Architecture and Planning
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