Nuclear renaissance or atomic baroque? – series of discussions

The goal of the series was to examine the present and future of nuclear energy with invited independent experts.


Partnership Foundation




The goal of the series was to examine the present and future of nuclear energy with invited independent experts. This current issue was discussed on five occasions, through five aspects, aiming to find answers to the following questions:

-Is there a future for nuclear energy?

-Can we take the – environmental, economic, social – risks related to the use of nuclear technology?

-Is the large scale application of nuclear energy really the solution to global climate change?

-Is it worth investing – our faith and money – in nuclear energy or are the alternatives more rewarding?


Invited speakers: Dr. Vári Anna (MTA), Dr. Kávási Norbert (Radioökológiai Tisztaságért Társadalmi Szervezet), Perger András (Energiaklub), Kaderják Péter (Regionális Energiagazdasági Kutatóközpont), Antal Dániel (Bankárképző, AmCham), Tihanyi Zoltán (MAVIR), Kádár Péter (Power Consult Kft.), Vörös Miklós (Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat), Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (CEU), Kardos Péter (Energiaklub), Mészáros Fanni (CECED), Király Zsuzsanna (Energiaklub), Varga Katalin (Energiaklub)