Support to the implementation of the Just Transition Fund in Hungary
Energiaklub as a partner will implement the project "Support to the implementation of the Just Transition Fund in Hungary" between 01.01.2023 and 31.08.2024, which supports the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Energy in the allocation of financial resources of the Just Transition Fund. The project is being implemented in a 5-member consortium led by Trinomics based in the Netherlands, with the participation of Energiaklub, the Regional Energy Research Centre (REKK), the University of Pécs and the University of Miskolc.
The project is commissioned by DG REFORM and the beneficiaries are the Prime Minister's Office and the Climate Policy Department of the Ministry of Energy.
In Hungary, the counties of Baranya, Heves and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén are eligible for the Just Transition Fund and the minsitries concerned have requested technical assistance to ensure that the available budget of around HUF 100 billion is used for the right purposes.
Baranya County will be supported in the project as follows:
- by addressing and involving eligible and potential stakeholders,
- selecting local small and medium-sized enterprises,
- identifying carbon neutral investment opportunities available for the GHG intensive economic sector,
- supporting the application process for energy-poor households,
- and conducting air quality and energy poverty analysis
The counties of Heves and BAZ, which still remain dependent on the coal sector due to the Mátra Power Plant, will be supported mainly through the development of municipal recultivation plans and, as in Baranya County, through technical assistance for energy-poor household applications.