“At home with energy” Educational Poster


Sponsors: Budapest Environmental Fund, Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water, International Visegrad Fund
Partners: Hnuti Duha (Czech Republic), Ekopolis Foundation (Slovakia), Mónika Balaskó environmental engineer
Type: education, awareness raising, international co-operation
Aim: Presenting the efficient and economical energy use in households
Target group: 12-18-year old youngsters, teachers, environmental educators
Description: Due to their nature, energy saving and energy efficiency are elusive, not easily discernible concepts. The newest of the series of our educational posters is to help make it plausible by picturing the energy used and the ways to reduce it.
The poster shows in how many different ways we use energy in our homes, how heat escapes from houses and what could be done to avoid energy wastage. It is addressed at 12-18 years old teenagers, and it is to catch the attention of schools, teachers, educational centers and of course all those who are interested in the issue of energy and consider it important that the next generation will be conscious energy consumers.
The electronic, interactive version of this educational material was also prepared. With the use of the mouse visitors can move around the rooms and learn more about energy used in a household.
Results: 1000 posters have been printed in Hungarian, and 500-500 posters in Czech and Slovak language which are disseminated by our international partners. Also the interactive version of the educational poster has been prepared. Furthermore we sponsored and provided expertise to the "At home with energy" board game.