Secret expansion in Paks – who should know the details of the expansion?
While the atomic profession has long been promising open and honest communication to the public sensitive to nuclear issues, it is not willing to present the costs of the preparation project for the planned expansion in Paks. The Energiaklub considers it data of public utility and chose to institute legal action against Paks for the publicity of such information.
The Energiaklub sues the Paks Nuclear Power Plant because it did not make the details of the so-called Teller project pertaining to the expansion of the nuclear power plant public. The Energiaklub requested certain information (primarily information on the costs of the project and contracts made in the framework of the project) of the Teller project conducted in the Paks Nuclear Power Plant before the decision of the parliament in 2009, as this is information of public utility according to the Energiaklub.
The power plant refused to provide the requested information stating that “the Paks Nuclear Power Plant Zrt. is not owned by the Republic of Hungary”, therefore the relevant provisions of the data protection and state budget laws do not apply to it. The Energiaklub is of the opinion that data pertaining to the planned expansion of the nuclear power plant should be made public. As the debate is of legal nature, the solution belongs to the court.
The Energiaklub deals with demanding energy-related information in the framework of the Energia Kontroll Program. It has requested data, information, documents from authorities, state bodies and companies in a great number of affairs since January 2009. In some of the cases the Energiaklub did not receive the requested information and thus turned to the data protection commissioner or to court. The following data requests are still under court proceeding: certain details of the contracts pertaining to the strategic gas storage facility (against the MSZKSZ and the MMBF Zrt.), the details of support for grid-connected power plants (against the Hungarian Energy Offie) and the contracts of the MVM with electricity producers.
Legal representation of the Energiaklub in cases pertaining to the Energia Kontrol Program is provided by the advocacy service of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ).