Background documents to the National Climate Change Strategy


Sponsor: Ministry for Environment and Water

Partners: Szent István University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Power Consult Ltd.

Type: expert work

Aim: Preparing background documents to the National Climate Change Strategy on the following topics: sustainable use of biomass, wind energy integration potentials, smartgrid potentials

Targetgroup: decision makers

Description: The Ministry of Environment and Water ordered several studies to serve as background documents to the National Climate Change Strategy. Energiaklub coordinated and took part in the preparation of the following studies:

  • \"Actual problems and the future of energetic biomass-use\"
  • \"Possibilities of integrating small scale energy producers to the domestic electricity network\"
  • \"Integrating wind turbines to the Hungarian electricity system - conditions and barriers of the integration\"

The studies are available - in Hungarian language - on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Water.

Results: The Ministry took notice of the findings and recommendations of the studies and implemented some of them into the National Climate Change Strategy. Also the Hungarian Energy Strategy included some results.