Adaptation to Climate Change in Budapest District IX.
The aim of our project funded by the German Environmental Government Office (Umweltbundesamt) is to develop a practice-oriented concept and Action Plan for Budapest District IX. on climate change adaptation.
The aim of the German Environmental Government Office is to shift the experience gained in Germany and to integrate it into Hungarian design practice through a pilot project. The concept and the action plan on local adaptation possibilities will be prepared by the specialists of Energiaklub in cooperation with the Landscape Architect and Settlement Planner Experts of the Technical University of Berlin and Szent István University.
The planning and implementation of a workshop in Budapest and the subsequent return visit to Berlin in the first project phase will serve to stimulate and exchange ideas between the targeted actors.
Key features in the planning process are the knowledge and activation of stakeholders in Budapest District IX., such as public institutions and administration, NGOs, planners and architects, chambers and associations and neighboring districts in Budapest. In the best case scenario, a stakeholder network can already be created at the starting phase of the project, which could not only accompany the creation of the climate adaptation concept, but would be able to promote its implementation after the end of the project.
This exemplary planning process should be accordingly disseminated among other local municipalities in Hungary. Through the guideline to be drawn up and upcoming events by the end of the implemeting period, other districts of Budapest as well as other municipalities of Hungary should benefit from the results of the project and be able to independently create climate adaptation concepts tailored to their respective needs and problems
Partners in project implementation:
EPC – Project Corporation Climate. Sustainability. Communications. mbH (lead partner)
Szent István Egyetem, Tájépítészeti és Településtervezési Kar (associated partner)
This project is funded by the German Federal Environmental Ministry's Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) for environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighbouring the European Union. It was supervised by the Gernam Environment Agency.