The fading dominance of coal in Hungary and globally
According to the International Energy Agency , the level of global coal consumption reaches an all-time high in 2024 - while the same year is quite certain to be the warmest year ever on record .
According to the International Energy Agency , the level of global coal consumption reaches an all-time high in 2024 - while the same year is quite certain to be the warmest year ever on record .
In a multi-stakeholder and challenging field of domestic practice - low client expectations, omission of the preparatory design phase, lack of resources, subsidy practices - there is little scope for...
Re-using existing structures and materials, minimising the amount of new materials used and favouring climate-friendly building materials are key to achieving climate targets. This can also have long...
Join the conference to discuss this topic on the 15.11.2022 in Brussels to discuss these possibilities, organized by FEDARENE.
The QualDeEPC consortium partners have compiled the project’s proposal for an enhanced and converging EPC assessment and certification scheme in a Guidebook. It provides a detailed description on...
Within the framework of the project, we provide professional advice services to the Municipality of Józsefváros in order to help eradicating energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition...
With the professional support of Energiaklub, Zoltek Zrt. in Hungary has launched an energy efficiency campaign to raise awareness of the importance of energy saving in the work and private life of...
In May and June 2022, the consortium partners from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, and Sweden held the third round of national workshops of the project to gain feedback from...
Our report intends to dispel myths about small modular reactors (SMRs) providing cheap and clean energy fast. This is a hope shared by Bill Gates as well as many governments including Belgium, the US...
This report provides an overview of nuclear power plants under construction globally in March 2022. According to the official statistics of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 52 reactor...
According to nuclear industry players, nuclear energy should and will play a major role in the future European energy mix. However, our infographic reveals that the majority of European countries do...
Based on our report " Nuclear power plants under construction - 2022", information on reactors currently under construction are presented in an infographic.