Calculations to support the derivation of cost-optimal levels of minimum energy performance requirements for buildings and building elements
Upon the request of the Ministry of the Interior, ENERGIAKLUB Climate Policy Institute has undertaken the cost optimality analysis and the draft report for the Commission pursuant to Directive 2010/31/EU and Commission Delegated Regulation 244/2012/EU.
Results of the ENERGIAKLUB NegaJoule2020 research project and its representative survey constitute a suitable basis for establishing national reference buildings and carrying out their energy audit. Although the work exceeds the requirements of the Directive, ENERGIAKLUB, due to its commitment to energy efficiency, wishes to contribute to making policy in this area as efficient as possible.
The aim of the cost optimality analysis pursuant to the Directive is to help Member States of the EU to develop national energy efficiency legislation for buildings in a way that produces – based on our current knowledge - the best results in terms of their economic lifecycle, investment costs, and energy savings.