Transport learning
TRANSPORT LEARNING aims to create knowledge and capacity on sustainable transport policies and measures in municipalities and energy / management agencies of Europe’s convergence regions. It further aims to strengthen market activities on sustainable transport by integrating it in the business portfolio of energy / management agencies thus supporting the regions’ catching up economically. TRANSPORT LEARNING targets to reach a wide audience for creating a large-scale impact and in the long-run to safeguard ongoing training and education on sustainable transport.
Intelligent Energy Europe
Target group:
municipalities, energy / management agencies, NGOs, companies involved in transport
In order to achieve our goals, TRANSPORT LEARNING creates and implements its training and site visits and exploits its outputs for a long-term impact. It will
- review existing best practise on sustainable transport training EU-wide
- integrate this in the creation of the project’s training and detailing this to the interests and needs of its target groups
- carry out training in Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Romania on eight topics representing the trainees’ interests and sustainable transport’s most pressing needs
- set a focus on practical work by implementing practical training projects through the trainees
- carry out site visits on best practise of sustainable transport for politicians and administrations’ decision makers to create political and high-level support for sustainable transport measures
- integrate the TRANSPORT LEARNING training and its materials to academic and training courses of universities and training organisations to assure a long-term impact on students and working professionals
- provide e-Learning and an Online Training Resource Centre acting as a one-stop-shop on transport training for transport professionals EU-wide
TRANSPORT LEARNING results in a high level of knowledge on sustainable transport in Europe’s convergence regions leading to a constantly growing number of actions and policies for it. The project is in a large-scale contributing to meeting Europe’s 2020 targets.
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