Q-BICON A qualification scheme for biomass consultancy

In many European countries and regions a qualified, profound consultancy service for relevant bioenergy actors is not available. As a new approach, Q-BICON will provide consultants and multipliers with the required combination of education and knowledge. During the 2-year project partners will develop a training programme adequate to the needs of the bioenergy market.




Q-BICON pursues the objective to build up new and advanced skills in the field of bioenergy consultancy in Europe.

Target group:

renewable energy consultants, project developers, associations, municipalities


To successfully put necessary infrastructural, logistical and technological activities in the field of bioenergy into practice advanced and specialized expert knowledge is necessary. In particular, engineers, agricultural experts, investors and plant operators lack knowledge of planning, meanwhile planners and administrative experts lack knowledge of biomass production technologies. Most notably, there are insufficient consultancy services on the level of local and regional administrations as well as chambers of agriculture and energy agencies, but also in industry and planning relevant organisations. Furthermore, there are new actors in the bioenergy field like municipalities who require multidisciplinary consultancy (e.g. regarding the development and implementation of Local Bioenergy Action Plans). Already existing private and public consultancy services for RES operate insufficiently with the relevant, detailed experience and knowledge necessary for the bioenergy sector. In summary it can be stated that at the moment a qualified, profound consultancy service for relevant bioenergy actors is not available in many European countries and regions.

Obvious knowledge and experience gaps will be closed by providing an adequate qualification framework for specialist multipliers and consultants. Sustainability assessment of bioenergy activities will be a key element of training, since these aspects are not adequately taken into consideration in the existing broadly-set RES trainings. Aspects of knowledge management and transfer will complement the training modules, benefiting also the long-term usability of the learned contents for the participant.

As a further innovative element the training will place strong emphasis on practice-oriented knowledge. While almost all existing RES related trainings lack of a practical approach, Q-BICON will include study tours into the training programme. Considering that the intended target group has limited time to participate in training programs, the training course will be implemented in a blended learning form. In this way, only a few presence seminars will be required, while most of the sessions can be performed at home via Internet.

For more information please visit www.q-bicon.eu.