Make Hungary's Recovery and Resilience Plan as green as possible!
The EU wants to support member countries implementing their post-Covid economic recovery as green as possible by creating a new Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF). The funds will be made available to Member States through the development of Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) - if they meet all the requirements. RRF resources are important for achieving climate goals, and Energiaklub aims to ensure that the Hungarian RRPs are as broad and effective as possible in promoting climate reforms and investments.
The two halves of the project are separated by an important milestone: the deadline for submitting RRPs (30.04.2021). Ahead of this, we aim to:
- assess the Hungarian RRP submitted for public consultation, give input to the final plan (in particular on the Energy-Green Transition, Circular Economy and Catching-up Settlements components),
- organise an expert workshop before the submission of the Hungarian RRP,
- communicate continuously to inform citizens about the RRF, the Hungarian RRP and the opportunities for consultation.
Work will continue after the submission of the Hungarian RRP, as the plan foresees the publication of calls for proposals in the near future, the specific content and details of which may have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the use of the funds. To this end Energiaklub will
- organise 3 more thematic workshops,
- provide input on the details of the green transition investments/tenders,
- monitor the approving process of the Hungarian RRP, Brussels' opinion, possible upcoming tenders,
- cooperate with national and international organisations involved in similar activities (e.g. MTVSZ and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy), and
- communicate on these issues.