Solar capacity
There are 75 time more photovoltaic capacity installed in Italy per capita than in Hungary (altough the number of sunny hours is also higehr). Germany is not famous for its sunny weather, but...
There are 75 time more photovoltaic capacity installed in Italy per capita than in Hungary (altough the number of sunny hours is also higehr). Germany is not famous for its sunny weather, but...
Energiaklub has prepared and modelled, using the ‘EnergyPLAN’ energy planning software, the energy vision that offers a reassuring and in a number of respects better solution for meeting future energy...
The Negajoule2020 research project carried out by Energiaklub has mapped the energy efficiency potential of Hungary’s residential buildings by March 2011. The present analysis aims at measuring the...
The ENERGIAKLUB has published its much needed study investigating the possibilities of renewable-based heat production, also known as “the neglected giant”. The detailed analysis titled “The...
The analysis based on a survey carried out for the third year in a row by Energiaklub gives actual information on the current state of the Hungarian solar energy market. The publication prives data on...
The interactive poster presents the conventional energy sources. How the landscape looks like?