The fading dominance of coal in Hungary and globally
According to the International Energy Agency , the level of global coal consumption reaches an all-time high in 2024 - while the same year is quite certain to be the warmest year ever on record .
According to the International Energy Agency , the level of global coal consumption reaches an all-time high in 2024 - while the same year is quite certain to be the warmest year ever on record .
In a multi-stakeholder and challenging field of domestic practice - low client expectations, omission of the preparatory design phase, lack of resources, subsidy practices - there is little scope for...
Re-using existing structures and materials, minimising the amount of new materials used and favouring climate-friendly building materials are key to achieving climate targets. This can also have long...
Against the backdrop of a newly formed commission and the goal to reach a climate neutral building stock in the EU by 2050 the EUKI SURF EU-wide policy conference - “Fostering sustainable building...
By scrolling down, three documents are available that can support municipalities in raising funds for Nature-based Solutions (NbS), as well as to measure their impacts - thus making decisions on such...
As a member of the Think Sustainable Europe (TSE), Energiaklub has sent an open letter that addresses the European Council regarding its “strategic agenda” that focuses on competitiveness and security...
The aim of this series is to provide monthly overviews of what is happening with the Paks II project, which the Hungarian government wants to accelerate, and the lifetime extension of Paks I NPP. This...
The aim of this series is to provide monthly overviews of what is happening with the Paks II project, which the Hungarian government wants to accelerate, and the lifetime extension of Paks I NPP. This...
The European Union wishes to achieve a zero-emission building stock by 2050, by boosting renovation rates and reaching for the highest possible energy efficiency of buildings. However, homeowners...
Although the same promises were made in Budapest and Sochi, a mistake slipped into the communication about the Paks II project. Meanwhile, Paks I has again suddenly lost half its output.
There was no significant development in the Paks nuclear power plant construction project in February – only announcements were made and the project is now being advertised for potential Hungarian...
Energiaklub has launched a series of blog articles to provide monthly overviews of what is happening with the Paks II project, which the Hungarian government wants to accelerate, and the lifetime...