The fading dominance of coal in Hungary and globally
According to the International Energy Agency , the level of global coal consumption reaches an all-time high in 2024 - while the same year is quite certain to be the warmest year ever on record .
According to the International Energy Agency , the level of global coal consumption reaches an all-time high in 2024 - while the same year is quite certain to be the warmest year ever on record .
There is no operating nuclear power plant in the majority of European countries: 26 of 44 countries have no reactors. Within the EU, 14 of the 27 member states say no to nuclear: Ireland, Denmark...
Energiaklub, in a cooperation with Metropolitan Research Institute and Mobilissimus, have prepared a report (business conversation paper) for The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group (CLG) in the...
With the Paris Climate Agreement, national governments voted unanimously to respond to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius...
SEERISK was a transnational EU funded project called "Joint Disaster Management - risk assessment and preparedness in the Danube macro-region" launched in 2012 and concluded in early 2015. The project...
The majority of the Hungarians already feels the impacts of climate change in their everyday life and are gravely concerned about these. Four-fifth of the people are worried that these problems will...
The study, provided for the Directorate General for Internal Policies of the European Parliament, at the request of the ITRE Committee, gives an overview and analysis of the EU policies, measures and...