Household energy consumption
There are significant differences in household energy consumption between the V4 countires. In Poland, coal is still the main source, while Hungary and Slovakia, natural gas accounts for over half of...
There are significant differences in household energy consumption between the V4 countires. In Poland, coal is still the main source, while Hungary and Slovakia, natural gas accounts for over half of...
Austria stands out in the region in the use of renewables, especially when it comes to electricity generation. The share of renewable energy in total energy consumption is below 10 % in the entire...
All Visegrad 4 countirs are the end of the EU ranking list in relation to the utilizationof the country specific wind potential. Enen though for instance in Hungary the average wind speed is similar...
There are 75 time more photovoltaic capacity installed in Italy per capita than in Hungary (altough the number of sunny hours is also higehr). Germany is not famous for its sunny weather, but...