A nuclear vision with a solar boost
In accordance with the obligations set by the European Union, Hungary has also prepared its National Energy and Climate Plan for the next 10 years. The document sets out comprehensive goals and...
In accordance with the obligations set by the European Union, Hungary has also prepared its National Energy and Climate Plan for the next 10 years. The document sets out comprehensive goals and...
Energiaklub, in a cooperation with Metropolitan Research Institute and Mobilissimus, have prepared a report (business conversation paper) for The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group (CLG) in the...
Introduction “The Russians are already in the pantry” [1]goes an adage from a 1965 movie, ‘The Corporal and Others’, which sounds familiar for every Hungarian. For centuries the perception of the...
With the Paris Climate Agreement, national governments voted unanimously to respond to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius...
SEERISK was a transnational EU funded project called "Joint Disaster Management - risk assessment and preparedness in the Danube macro-region" launched in 2012 and concluded in early 2015. The project...
The study, provided for the Directorate General for Internal Policies of the European Parliament, at the request of the ITRE Committee, gives an overview and analysis of the EU policies, measures and...
We do not need nuclear power to secure Hungary's future energy needs. 50% of the total primary energy use, and more than 80% of the produced electricity could be provided by renewable sources, while...
In November 2015 the European Commission opened an in-depth state aid investigation into Hungary's plans to provide financing for the construction of two new nuclear reactors in Paks. This gave...