LEAF - Low Energy Apartment Futures

The project action aims to overcome the current limitations surrounding Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and multi-ownership in multi-occupancy housing (e.g. tenements, blocks of flats), using a technical and engagement toolkit to implement pilot projects in multi-occupancy housing in the partner countries and making the refined toolkit available across the EU member states.

A bespoke software tool will be developed to enable such housing to be assessed at a communal level, assimilating survey data from multiple EPCs and providing communal as well as individual solutions that are realistic and are applicable technically, logistically and legally.

Find out more http://www.lowenergyapartments.eu/


These solutions will promote and enable a greater uptake in multi-occupancy housing of the recommendations for energy efficiency and renewable energy made by EPCs, allowing these buildings to maximise their contribution to the EU’s 2020 CO2  reduction, energy consumption and renewable energy targets.


The key objectives of the LER-MUH action are as follows:

1.  Demonstrate that individual EPCs can be utilised to produce practical, whole-building action

plans which deliver >30% CO2 savings for multi-occupancy housing;

2.  Demonstrate how additional CO2 savings, beyond these identified in individual EPCs, can be delivered for communal areas and common building systems (heating, lighting and renewables) through developing whole-building action plans;

3.  Demonstrate how owners of individual dwellings within multi-occupancy buildings can collectively agree, commission and secure finance for the delivery of whole-building actionplans;

4.  Remove barriers to the adoption of whole-building action plans to enable significant CO2 savings, demonstrating they can be compatible with policy objectives related to preserving historic urban buildings.