Green Public Procurement in Action

The project ProcA aims at implementing the targets on energy efficient and green public procurement (GPP) as defined in many Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP). ProcA promotes the incorporation of GPP in SEAPs and supports to accelerate the implementation of SEAPs by increasing the efficiency of purchasing organisations.


For the assessment of constraints the up-coming Covenant of Mayors (CoM) monitoring reports will be analysed. On this basis CoM signatories will be supported in implementing their GPP measures. This is done by capacity building, networking activities, and directly by supporting large lighthouse projects.

Dissemination will be boosted by a national and European GPP Award. ProcA will build up on the experiences and contacts achieved in the Buy Smart and Buy Smart+ project. Procurement agencies take part in the project to achieve a high impact in the target group.

The use of the European energy label as well as other EU voluntary labels (Ecolabel, TCO, Energy Star) and the GPP toolkit will be promoted. The results of the lighthouse projects are presented as best practice examples and disseminated to a wide audience. The lighthouse projects have the possibility to compete in the EU GPP award.

The EU GPP award honours outstanding efforts and achievements for implementing green criteria into tenders on national level and across Europe. The national awards will receive a higher recognition in smaller procurement offices and gives them better chances to win. Four different award categories are planned:

  • Most energy efficient tender for new buildings including their systems
  • Most energy efficient tender for renovation of buildings including their systems
  • Most energy efficient tender for lighting
  • Most energy efficient tender for information technology

In collaboration with communal networks, capacity building and networking events will be organised to deepen the understanding of GPP among procurers.

Intensive dissemination of the ProcA project, GPP, the lighthouse projects and the GPP award will be conducted by presentations, website and media activities. There will be a final conference in Brussels for policy makers and major involved actors to present the outcomes and lessons learnt of the project which will be combined with the award winning ceremony. National steering committees will contribute to securing the quality, political relevance, transferability and recognition of the results and outputs of the ProcA project.

Project partnerts:

Berliner Energieagentur GmbH (DE)

HAB-749 Mérnöki Tanácsadó Kft.  (HU)

Climate Alliance (DE)


Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (IT)

Bałtycka Agencja Poszanowania Energii SA (PL)

Energetické centrum Bratislava (SK)

Tatra Tender s.r.o.   (SK)

Energiaklub Szakpolitikai Inzézet és Módszertani Központ (HU)

Centrul Regional de Protectie a Mediului Romania  (RO)

Sofia Energy Centre (BG)

Association of Rhodope Municipalities (BG)



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